


面部脂肪移植术 uniquely restores youthfulness in the face by correcting thinning or hollowed features, 沉没的颧骨, 以及衰老的整体迹象. 面部整形专家 Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert has perfected this form of facial rejuvenation here in Columbus, OH!


简单地说, the surgeon takes fat from an area of the body where you don’t want it 和 injects it where you do! 脂肪转移是一种高级疗法, minimally invasive surgical procedure used to fill out or plump tissue under aging areas, 伤疤, 还有深深的皱纹. It refines natural contours 和 smooths the surface of the skin.


Fat grafting can add volume to the cheeks, nasolabial folds, temples, 和 lips. Fat can be removed from anywhere in the body but is typically harvested from the abdomen or thighs. Once the fat is removed, it is purified through a filter or centrifuge before injecting. Your surgeon will likely overfill the area because approximately 20%-50% of the fat is eventually reabsorbed throughout recovery.

Patients have noticed ongoing improvements in skin tone, pore size 和 overall appearance for several years following surgery, 其结果将持续一生.


Fat grafting is perfect for those who have lost facial volume typically due to aging. If you are experiencing overall droopiness of the face, 疲惫的表情, 或者面颊凹陷, facial fat grafting can help create a natural 和 beautiful look. You are an ideal c和idate so long as you are in good health 和 have realistic expectations for your surgical results.

Your results will develop over the course of 6-12 months, so being aware of 和 prepared for the 整个恢复过程 is essential when evaluating the results of your surgery.


You will see the final results of your facial fat grafting procedure between 6-12 months after your operation. 自 fat grafting is often combined with other surgeries, downtime 和 recovery may vary. In terms of just fat transfer to the face, pain 和 discomfort are minimal. You can expect to be back up 和 walking around just a few days after surgery. You will have some activity restrictions that will be lifted throughout your 4 weeks of recovery.

You can return to work after about a week so long as you are able to follow your instructed restrictions.


Fat grafting is a permanent solution to volume loss in the face. The processes are similar in that both treatments include adding volume by means of injection. 一般来说, 皮下注射 需要更少的停机时间, 和 they last about 8-12 months depending on your metabolism 和 the exact product.

Filler provides an excellent opportunity for you to see the effects of additional volume before the commitment of a surgical solution!


抽脂术 涉及到, 面部脂肪移植的费用各不相同, because the amount of fat being removed can impact the cost. Typically, basic facial fat transfer ranges between $4,000-$5,000. You will receive an exact quote from your surgical team based on your custom plan, 和 they will review financing options during your first consultation.


脂肪移植是永久性的. You will see your full results between 6 months to a year after your surgery. 在此期间, 25%-50% of the fat that was injected into the face will naturally reabsorb into your body. 如果你减肥了, the fat added to the face isn’t as susceptible to the disappearance, 尽管这仍然是可能的. Fat grafting does not prevent continued aging. It is common for patients to get touch-ups of facial fat grafting.


Facial fat grafting is a great addition to other surgeries 像整容手术眼睑电梯, as well as it being a transformative procedure all on its own. 通过脂肪移植, you can address two areas at once- the area where fat is being removed 和 the area that is going to receive the volume from that fat. Patients appreciate the ease of the procedure 和 recovery. It is the perfect solution for regaining a naturally youthful look.


Facial fat grafting is often used in combination with facelifts 和 眼睑电梯 to combat signs of aging. When skin is pulled back during a lift, it may leave your face looking thinner than preferred. Transferring fat, especially to the cheeks, can help create a more youthful appearance.


Interested in learning more about facial fat grafting surgery in Columbus, Ohio? Wish to discuss your personal confidence goals with a compassionate team? 我们邀请您在 614-442-7610 to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert!


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